Monday, September 29, 2014

Andy Warhol's Photography Career

Andy Warhol, though primarily known for his amazing art career, did a small bit of photography on the side. The majority of these pictures were portrait polaroids he took for the purpose of painting them later on, which I find to be a super rad idea. This picture is a self portrait of himself as a drag queen. Why? Who knows, he's Andy Warhol he can do whatever he wants. This picture, just as most his, have no real technique to it, but they're all fantastic, legendary photographs. He does have some more professional black and white pictures, but this drag queen one just makes my heart happy. You know, the other night I was at Spoon and Britt, the lead singer, for some odd reason, just reminded me so much of Warhol. Also, their whole back set up was white and whenever the lights flashed it looked like Andy Warhol in his studio and it was honest to God the best thing I've ever seen. Oops got a little off subject, but anyways, I personally believe Andy Warhol to be one of the best artists to walk this Earth and he is a huge inspiration of mine. Maybe I'll even do a series like these considering I have a polaroid and all, ooh I could totally pull that off. Just a bunch of polaroids of people, and maybe I'll even try to paint them (which I'll inevitably fail at). Whatever, now I'm excited. Yay for Warhol!

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