Monday, February 23, 2015

Studio Portrait Research - Richard Avedon

Richard Avedon is one of the most classic and famous studio light portrait photographers ever. From fashion photography too serious stares, he always managed to put his subject in a perfect light. He is an expert and getting both nice shadows and sharp lines.

Studio Portrait Gifs

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Writing with Light

Rineke Dijkstra

Rineke Dijkstra is famous for her rather awkward portraits ranging from nursing mothers to extreme close ups. For this purpose, I was looking specifically at her beach portraits. Her goal is to "coax out the emotional subtleties and raw energy that are special to children, adolescents and young adults, with grave, revelatory and sometimes ecstatic results," ( I also, personally, gain a very renaissance feel from these pictures.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Second Chances Vol. 2

Ok if this an option, i would love to work more on 35 mm! Also this image is from last year but it's the only analog i have on my flash drive currently. But i always feel as if i could improve upon this, and it's just a lot of fun. Also, i want to learn a lot of new techniques in the darkroom such as dodging and burning and toning.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Second Chances

For my "second chances" i want to work on the abstract expressionism photography more because this was something i really enjoyed and would like to work more on. I do quite like the pictures i took already for this, i would just like to work further on them and do more.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Winter Break Pictures

Over the break, I went on a retreat to New Life Ranch for a solid 24 hours. It's a beautiful little camp nestled in the woods of Colcord, Oklahoma. Although it was below freezing and drizzly the entire time I was there, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to go on a little hike and capture all the natural beauty this land contains. So, myself and a few friends walked along the creek until we hit the spillway, and it was here that I thought had potential for a pretty polaroid. The rushing white water was sparkling and even though the trees were barren, I thought they were even better looking than in the summer. The gloomy dreariness of the weather made it even more perfect. Also, it was really fun to be back at New Life with all those old friends and it made for a cool little road trip.

My second picture is of Sam Trizza caressing a framed picture of my grandparents from about fifteen years ago. My friends (otherwise known as Fight Club) had a Christmas party where we did a white elephant. So I brought a picture of my grandparents cause who wouldn't want that? Luckily Sam, who has some obsession with my father, went for the bass fish bag it was wrapped in. He was so happy with it I just had to take a picture of them together cause it was just too cute. Also, he loved it even more when he found out they're my dad's parents.