Thursday, October 30, 2014

About Light

Now I don't know if these are necessarily my best pictures in my About Light series, however, they are easily my favorite. First off, they do display light through the extreme amount of contrast I put on the images. It makes what light there is to pop like crazy. The top image of the orange linear thing somehow reminds me of something you would see in Beetlejuice, which I'm absolutely obsessed with. Then I like the bottom photo because of the natural light and clouds in it with the touches of color around the edges.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dynamic Range

In photography, dynamic range expresses the ratio between the maximum and minimum amount of measurable light intensities, which is essentially just white and black. A stop is something that is either doubled or cut in half. For example, one stop up is to double and one step down is to half. The best digital cameras out today can capture ten to eleven stops. Negative film is able to capture nine to ten stops, while when converted to positive it only has five to six. However, our eyes are able to perceive ten to fourteen stops of light.
             focus on background  focus on foreground
                         our mental image

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Alexander Harding - About Light

This image titled "Particles" taken by Alexander Harding showcases light by simply the small bright particles that stand out against the dark background.