Thursday, August 21, 2014

Tree Bark

I took this photograph for the up close and wide open project in photo 1 to pick up on texture and greater detail. This was by far my favorite image from that particular project, and quite frankly, one of my favorite overall. As opposed to how dark some of my photos are, this one is so bright and vivid; it's almost enchanting. It totally makes me think of being in a magical forest somewhere and I just love it. 

Gabby's Silhouette

This is probably one of the photographs I'm proudest of because of the large amount of work I had to put into it in order to accomplish the look I desired. Luckily, my plan turned out awfully well. I shot this for a studio lighting project in photo 1. I really wanted to be able to make a silhouette just because I think they look super groovy. However, the process was actually much more difficult than I originally thought it to be. After I shot it, I realized there was a ton of light on her face and her outline was nowhere near bold enough. After much dodging and burning, as well as clone stamping, I finally achieved my goal of a decent silhouette.

Red Bulb

Ok, if you couldn't tell I really like to incorporate a lot of black and contrast into my pictures. This one was taken at the Hardesty Arts Center off Archer and Cincinnati downtown. I really liked the florescent glow of the light when I first saw it and imagined that it would make a cool photograph, and turns out I was right. Again, I just used the curves tool (probably my favorite) to achieve this look.

Open Sign

This is another one of my favorite images because of the extreme simplicity and contrast of it. This particular open sign belongs to Decopolis, located downtown at the corner of 6th and Boston. In editing it, I merely brightened the color in the sign and then once again dragged the curves line way down til the background turned pure black. Also, I made sure that the sign was located in the top-right of the the picture because I feel like whenever I see an open sign it's always somewhere in that region.

Dark Flowers

I took this photo at Philbrook Museum back in April in their beautiful flower garden. When I first took this image, it was just your average pretty flower picture and I found it to be awfully boring. I really didn't like it much at all. But then, one day I was just really bored and decided to play around with this picture on photoshop. I was messing around with the curves tool (just cause it's actually really fun) and somehow I ended up landing on just the perfect balance of darkness and brightness. And now I absolutely love it.